21 Things Everyone Should Keep in a Golf Bag
Posted by Dallas Golf on 11 Oct 2022
The golf industry keeps pushing the envelope with lighter golf bags for both men and women with more and more specialized pockets.
Speaking of which, if your golf bag has some room to spare, load up with these essentials. Don’t let that space go to waste!
1. Extra golf balls
Obviously, the most important thing to keep in your golf bag, minus your clubs (that one’s on you) bring along three or four sleeves of fresh spares - or around 12 - just in case you lose any.
2. Shag balls
Shag balls are old, beat-up balls that are “out of service.” Keep a couple of these in your golf bag for practice or just to save money at the driving range. Really, you never know when they might come in handy.
3. Tees
Running out of tees is like running out of golf balls - and would you rather be the guy that runs out and has to bum a tee or the guy that has spares?
4. A rangefinder
A rangefinder can help you estimate ranges with fair precision, helping you choose the right club as well as an approach to take on. Plus, many golf bags for men and women have specialized pockets for rangefinders so don’t let that room go to waste!
5. Ball markers
When you’re playing among company, ball markers are an absolute must on the green. Don’t be without them. Plus, they’re lightweight, won’t take up a lot of space in your bag, and are cool to collect. On top of that, you can never have too many.
6. A brush
An unexpected piece of golf equipment, but when your driver or iron gets some stubborn mud or grit stuck in its face that you can’t get out with a towel, use a brush. You don’t want to take a swing with a dirty club face; be prepared.
7. Your glove (and a spare)
Follow the philosophy, “two is one and one is none.” If it’s worth carrying one at all, carry a spare; this goes for your glove as well.
8. An umbrella
Bluebird days can (unfortunately) turn sour in a matter of hours. Even if the day starts out bright and clear, don’t leave anything to chance. Bring an umbrella just in case.
9. A poncho
Also, a poncho, because you need to remain mobile and you can’t swing a golf club (or putt, really) while you’re holding an umbrella.
(You might as well make sure you carry a spare poncho or a rain hood for your bag and gear, too.)
10. A towel
Towels come in mighty handy for cleaning off and drying your clubs between swings. Always carry at least one in your bag (but a few are better; remember, two is one!)
11. A light jacket
Sometimes the problem isn’t water but temperature. Don’t let a rising wind or a cold blustery day ruin your time on the course. Always have a light jacket in tow.
12. Spare socks
When “waterproof” shoes aren’t all they’re cracked up to be, a spare pair of socks can save you a lot of misery on the course.
13. Basic First Aid Essentials
Always, always, always have some band-aids, athletic tape, and disinfectant with you. You never know when you (or a fellow golfer) might need them.
14. Bug spray
More essential in some areas of the country than in others, bug spray is still a good contingency for your golf bag, and is lightweight, compact, and affordable.
15. Sunscreen
Only you know how sensitive you are to the sunlight, but you wear sunglasses to protect your eyes; you might as well protect the rest of your body as well.
16. A marker
Useful for marking balls as well as other sundry gear and items.
17. A pencil
A pencil is better than a pen for keeping score because a pen can be affected by extreme temperatures or moisture. Pencils work in all conditions.
18. A notepad/A spare scorecard
Just in case you forget to pick up a scorecard from the club or your cart doesn’t have one on board.
19. Water
Dehydration can strike at the most inopportune times. Plus, again, so many quality golf bags for men and women have specialized, insulated pockets to keep your water bottles and refreshments cool.
20. Snacks
Never let your spirits flag from an empty stomach; recharge yourself. Plus, as stated, golf bags often have special cooler pockets for water or snacks.
21. Some spare cash
Simply because you should generally always keep a little bit of spare cash on yourself.
One of the Industry’s Most Impressive Selections of Golf Bags for Men and Women
Here at Dallas Golf Company, we carry one of the industry’s widest selections of golf bags for men and women, with highlights from Sun Mountain, Mizuno, Titleist, and Callaway in the mix.
If you need a new golf bag for next spring, or you’re looking for a gift for a golfer in your life, pick up a new bag from our collection.
Then, refer back to this blog to make sure you’ve loaded it up with the essentials before you saunter out for your first round!