
Best Golf Exercises to Add Distance to Your Drives

Posted by Dallas Golf on 29 Aug 2023

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Have you ever met a golfer that didn’t want to add yards to his or her drives? It’s like the one thing we literally all have in common.

“Additional range” is such a golden goose that the golf industry expends millions if not billions per year, chasing advanced clubhead designs and shaft materials that are supposed to extract every little last bit of potential from your swing, all for a few more yards.

Now, can getting a set of custom golf clubs online, tailored to your swing, extend range?

Sure, but so can training. Try out these exercises, all of which can help improve strength and stamina, and which focus on muscle groups involved in your swing.


The first is the most basic, but it’s a staple. Set the foundation for a strong golf swing by incorporating squats into your workout regimen.

How to do it: Stand with your feet a little wider than hip width, toes facing out and feet flat on the ground. Push your hips back, bend the knees, sit into a squat position. Keep your feet flat on the ground; do not bend forward. Lower until the knees at bent at 90°, then straighten your legs to return to a standing position. You can also squat with a bar or weights, to add resistance.


Why it helps: Much (most, even) of the power in your drives comes from your legs and lower body. Squats strengthen your glutes, quads, calves, and to a lesser degree, your core.

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Cable Oblique Twists

How to do it: Attach a single grip to a cable pulley at hip level, set at a weight that is comfortable for you to pull away from the machine with one arm (this can be increased if you so desire). Stand sideways, feet shoulder width and pointing slightly away from the machine. Grip the cable with the near hand; interlock with the other hand. Tighten your core, rotate inward (away from the machine) using your core muscles. Hold the twist, then rotate back toward the machine under control; repeat.

Why it helps: This exercise primarily targets your obliques but indirectly strengthens your grip and core muscles, all of which are needed for a stable base and a strong swing.

Dumbbell Shoulder Flies

The dumbbell shoulder fly is a great exercise that can build both strength and flexibility, both of which can help extend your range. Perform this exercise with a heavier weight to build strength and a lighter weight to build stamina and flexibility.

How to do it: Stand with a dumbbell in the grip (or two, either one or both arms can be worked at the same time) with the feet just a bit more than shoulder-width apart. Slowly and deliberately raise the weight out to the side of and away from the body, with the palm facing in and downward. Raise the weight until your arm is about parallel with the floor. Lower the weight under control and repeat.

Why it helps: Building strength in your shoulders can help you improve your swing speed and energy transfer, improving flexibility will help with form and follow-through. This exercise also targets your delts and flexor muscles that are involved in the swing.

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Alternate Lateral Jump

How to do it: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, then bend the knees as though you are going into a squat. Then, shift your weight to your toes as you lead into the jump. Extend the legs as you jump either to the left or right. Strive to keep your hips and shoulders square through the motion. Repeat by jumping back to the other side.

Why it helps: Like squats, alternate lateral jumps are an exercise that focuses on the muscles primarily in the lower body and core (although it is technically a whole-body workout). This exercise builds strength and stability which can improve your form, stance, and swing speed. Just remember, you want the motion to be explosive; this isn’t about distance, it’s about form, control, and power.

Sword Draws

How to do it: Sword draws can be done with either a dumbbell or with cables; we’ll cover how to do it with dumbbells, but the motion is the same with cables. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart, hold the dumbbell with one hand near the opposite hip with the palm facing your body and the thumb facing away from your body. Keep your arm straight, rotate your shoulder, lift the weight out, across your body, and over your head on the other side.

Why it helps: Sword draws strengthen your grip, rotator cuffs, delts, and triceps. This will improve flexibility and range of motion while working the upper body muscles involved in a strong swing.

Single-Leg Butt Lifts

How to do it: Place both feet on the ground, then lie down with your butt on the ground but knees bent so that they are raised. Your shoulders should be on the ground, both arms should be alongside your body with the palms facing the ground. Lift one leg up straight away from your body. Then, using your glutes, raise your hips off of the floor, then lower under control. Repeat the motion after a set with the other leg.

Why it helps: Single-leg butt lifts work many of the muscle groups that squats work, including your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. They also work your erector spinae and core muscles which provide stability. All of these groups together can add stability to your form and power (and speed) to your swing.

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Came Here for Custom Golf Clubs Online?

All of the exercises mentioned here can improve your strength, flexibility, and stability, all of which can help you enhance your form, increase your swing speed, and add power to your swing.

But can you potentially boost your abilities by getting a set of custom golf clubs online? Absolutely. Advanced shafts like Autoflex golf shafts and club heads like Callaway Paradym drivers are enhanced to boost energy transfer and forgiveness, helping you extend range and minimize shot dispersion.

For more information on how upgrading your equipment can help you boost your game, come visit our shop and speak with our golf club fitters or contact us at 800-955-9550.